Dr. Matteo Gerlini
Scientific qualification as full professor in History of international relations
Current professional positions
- 31/05/2022 scientific qualification as full professor in History of international relations
- 01/11/2021-31/10/2024 Assistant Professor, History of International Relations, University of Siena 1240, Department of International Political Sciences
- 01/02/2022-30/04/2022 Teaching assistant - Società italiana per l’organizzazione internazionale (SIOI) training courses for the diplomatic career
-01/11/2021-30/04/2023 Research contract, Joint Research Centre – European Commission (JRC- EC), Directorate of nuclear safety and security, for the JRC institutional history project (iHiP)
- 23/04/2021-31/08/2023 Member of the scientific committee of the Specializing Master program in Nuclear safeguards, organized by the Polytechnic of Milan and the European Nuclear Education Network, in the frame of European Commission DG DEVCO project “European safeguards training and education (SaTE): historical and legal modules coordinator
Previous professional positions
- 20/03/2021-20/07/2921 Adjunct lecturer in History of International relations, Vanvitelli University (Naples 2)
- 01/01/2020-31/05/2020 Taiwan Fellow, Republic of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2020; title of the research: “What role for Taiwanese diplomacy in avoiding a nuclear cascade in East Asia”. Hosts: National defense university; National Chengchi University
- 01/04/2017-30/04/2017 Contract lecturer for one seminar titled “Patterns for nuclear integration: EURATOM experience” for PhD course of International Law, and for one keynote speech in the symposium “Terrorism: many faces, challenges and actions to take”, Faculty of Law, Keio University Tokyo
- 01/03/2017-30/09/2017 Service contract with the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, for the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA) annual courses
- 01/03/2017- ongoing Lecturer on EURATOM history in the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA) courses: EURATOM history
- 20/04/2016-31/01/2021 Adjunct Professor in the Special school for archivists and Librarians, Sapienza University of Rome, course of History and Policy of Scientific Research
- 01/10/2015-30/09/2016 research fellow (Italian law 240/2010) in the University of Florence, department of Political and social sciences. Topic of the research: Fast Breeder Reactors international cooperation in Europe.
- 01/12/2012-28/02/2013 researcher contractor in charge for the coordination of Italian branch of EuroArch project, University of Maryland, research coordinator Suzzette Smiley Lopez Abbasciano, National Consortium for the Study and Response to Terrorism http://www.start.umd.edu/start/
- 01/04/2010-30/04/2012 Adjunct professor of History of East Asia at the School of Political Science, University of Florence
- 01/03/2009-30/09/2009 Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI), Department of History and Civilization. Research Project: “Fast Breeder Reactors Program in France, Italy, and Germany (1960s-1980s)”. Supervisor: Prof. Kiran Klaus Patel.
- 01/07/2012-30/06/2015 research fellow (Italian law 240/2010) in the University of Florence, department of Political and social sciences. Topic of the research: Italian foreign policy in the Mediterranean area. The contracts were co-financed by the Jean Monnet Center of the University of Florence and by the Oral History of Italian Foreign Policy project, promoted by the Italian Encyclopedia “Treccani”
- 01/07/2007-30/06/2012 Post-graduate fellow, School of Political Science, University of Florence
- 01/04/2007-30/04/2009 Adjunct professor of History of North America at the School of Political Science, University of Florence.
Reviews and evaluations
- 20/12/2020-15/01/2021 reviewer for the international journal “Centaurus”
- 05/02/2020-30/03/2020 reviewer for the international journal “Annali dell’Istituto storico italo- germanico in Trento/ Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient”;
- 10/10/2019-20/03/2020 reviewer for the international journal “Business History”;
- 18/09/2018-18/10/2018 evaluator for post-doc projects, University of Insubria
- 26/07/2018-18/11/2018 evaluator for the “brains go back” program “Rita Levi Montalcini”, Italian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research
- 02/03/2016-20/04/2016 evaluator for the international cooperation project of the French- Italian University
Delegations and memberships
- 18/07/22-14/07/2022 chair of the International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN), the International Atomic Energy Agency academic partnership for Nuclear security
- 01/03/2022- ongoing delegate of the University of Siena in INSEN
- 01/01/2021-31/12/2023 Italian Member of the Independent Scientific Evaluation Group (ISEG) of NATO Science for Peace and Security Program; first term: 01/01/2018-31/12/2020
- 15/06/2019- ongoing Member of the board of directors of NATO Defense College Foundation http://www.ndc-foundation.org
- 30/10/2015-27/04/2016 member of Italian delegation at Steering Committee of Nuclear Energy Agency of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- 30/01/2012-30/11/2016 delegate of Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies at EU Consortium on Non Proliferation and Disarmament
- 01/01/2002-01/07/2005 PhD History of International Relations, Department of study on the State, University of Florence, Italy
- 10/10/2000 Graduated in Political Sciences, University of Florence PUBLICATIONS
- Il dirottamento dell’Achille Lauro e i suoi inattesi e sorprendenti risvolti [The Achille Lauro hijacking and its unexpected and surprising implications], Arnoldo Mondadori Education: Milano 2016.
- La rete elettrica nazionale [The National Electric Grid], Roma: Archivio storico ENEL 2013.
- Sansone e la Guerra fredda. L'opzione nucleare israeliana e il confronto bipolare in Medio Oriente [Samson and the Cold War. Israel’s nuclear option and the bipolar confrontation in Middle East], Florence: Firenze University Press 2010.
- “Il sistema di salvaguardie di EURATOM dalla fondazione della Comunità al Trattato di Non Proliferazione Nucleare. From self satisfaction to self inspection”, Itinerari di ricerca storica, anno XXXIV, 2020, 1 nuova serie
- “Tra Oriente e Occidente. La politica estera dello Stato d’Israele (1948-1956)”, Annali della Fondazione Ugo La Malfa, XXXIV- 2019
- “Ripensare Chernobyl” [Rethinking Chernobyl], Società e Storia, 143/2014
- “Si fa ma non si dice: la deterrenza secondo Israele” [We make it but we told’t: deterrence according to Israel] in Quaderni speciali di Limes, 2/2012
- “Gli armamenti nucleari di Israele”, Contemporanea. Rivista di Storia dell'800 e del '900, vol.14, 1/2011
- “Waiting for Dimona: the United States and the Israeli Making Up of Nuclear Capability” Cold
War History, vol. 10, 2/2010. Chapters
- “Matteotti, l’interdipendenza e il futuro dell’Europa nella lettura di Ennio Di Nolfo” [Matteotti, the interdipendence and the future of Europe in the scholarship of Ennio Di Nolfo], in Gabellone, Anna Rita (ed.), Europeismo e antifascismo tra le due guerre, Pisa: Pacini Editore 2022
- “Il ‘Mattino’ sul mondo” [The ‘Morning’ over the world], in Ballini, Pier Luigi (ed.), ll “Giornale del Mattino” di Ettore Bernabei [The “Morning’s Newspaper” of Ettore Bernabei], Florence: Polistampa 2021
- “The Sigonella Crisis: the Middle East and the Atlantic alliance”, in Monzali, Luciano and Soave, Paolo (eds), Italy and Middle East, London: Tauris 2020
- “The rise and fall of nuclear Italy”, in Kirchhof, Astrid Mignon, Pathways Into and Out of Nuclear Power in five Western European Countries, Deutsches Museum Studies, Volume 3, Münster: Deutscher Museum Verlag 2020
- “Overkill: l’arma nucleare e la violenza incommensurabile” [Overkill: the nuclear weapon and the incommensurable violence], in Tomasello, Federico, Violenza e politica. Dopo il Novecento [Violence and politics. After the XX Century], Bologna: il Mulino 2020
- “Elementi di storia dell'Agenzia Internazionale per l'Energia Atomica. Sfide tecnologiche e trasferimento di conoscenze nel sistema onusiano” [Elements of history of the IAEA. Technological challenges and knowledge transfer in the UN system] in Mugnaini, Marco, Nazioni Unite e sistema internazionale [The UN and the international system], Milan: Franco Angeli 2018
- “Energy Independence vs. Nuclear Safeguards: the US attitude toward the European Fast Breeder Reactors Program”, in Bini, Elisabetta; Londero, Igor, Nuclear Italy: an International History of Italian Nuclear Policies during the Cold War, Trieste: EUT 2017
- “La dimensione storica dell’uso duale della tecnologia nucleare” [Historical dimension of nuclear dual-use], Bagnato, Bruna; Guderzo, Massimiliano; Nuti, Leopoldo, Nuove questioni di storia delle relazioni internazionali [New Questions of History of International Relations], Roma: Laterza 2015
- “Il pentapartito e il processo di pace arabo-israeliano” [The Five-Parties and the Arab-Israeli peace process] in Pons, Silvio; Roccucci, Adriano; Romero, Federico, L’Italia Contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi. I. Fine della Guerra fredda e globalizzazione [Contemporary Italy since the Eighties], Rome: Carocci 2014
- “Diplomazia di partito e politica estera nazionale: le radici dell’eurosocialismo mediterraneo” [Party’s Diplomacy and National Foreign Policy: The roots of Mediterranean Eurosocialism], in Di Nolfo; Gerlini, Il Mediterraneo fra storia e politica, Venice: Marsilio 2012, pp. 265-280
- “Almost a Paradox: How Israel’s Nuclear ambiguity Sets the Stage for Containing Nuclear Proliferation in Middle East” in Trentin; Gerlini, The Middle East and Global Cold War, Cambridge: Cambridge scholar 2012, pp. 129-49
- “Cattedrali atomiche in bellicosi deserti: l’energia nucleare nella costruzione del Medio Oriente contemporaneo” [Atomic Cathedrals in Warlike Deserts] in Campus, Mauro, Nuove tendenze di storia delle relazioni internazionali [New Trends in History of International Relations], Milan: Bruno Mondadori 2012
- “Il caso Achille Lauro e le sue conseguenze” capitolo in Di Nolfo, Ennio (ed.): La politica estera italiana negli anni Ottanta, Marsilio: Venezia 2007
Editor of peer reviewed journals
- Guest editor, “International Journal of Nuclear Security”, 1/2020 Proceedings and reports
- (with Ikegami, Masako) “Comparing regional proliferation risks and safeguards systems”, ESARDA 41st Annual Meeting Symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management 2019, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2019
- “L’Italia, la NATO, il Mediterraneo. Elementi di una storia intrecciata” [Italy, NATO, the Mediterranean. Elements of entangled history], in Vv.Aa., Mediterraneo. Opportunità, criticità, prospettive [Mediterranean. Opportunities, criticalities, perspectives], Naples: Giannini 2019
- “Italy: short Country report” HoNESt project 2017 http://www.honest2020.eu/sites/default/files/deliverables_24/IT.pdf
- “Nuclear Security as an Ongoing International Process”, in Sontea, Victor; Tiginyanu, Ion (eds.), 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 55, Singapore: Springer science 2016
- “Public Opinion Strikes Back” in The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHS, Barcelona: SCHCT-IEC 2012 - 2010
- “Technoscientific Power and Modern China”, in A. Peruzzi (ed.) Pianeta Galileo 2009, Florence
- (with Baracca, Angelo; Braun, Rainer; Nuti, Leopoldo; Presas i Puig, Albert; Renn, Jurgen) Nuclear Proliferation: History and Current Problems, Max Planck Institute for History of Science Preprint series n. 364, Berlin 2009
- Renn, Jurgen (ed.) The Globalisation of Knowledge, Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge: Berlin 2012 http://www.edition-open-access.de/studies/1/
- (Contributor) IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 12: Technical Guidance, Educational Programme in Nuclear Security, Vienna 2010. www- pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1439_web.pdf
Diplomatic editions
- Italian diplomatic documents on Armenia, third series, volume 9, 1920, Venice: Oemme 2015 Editor
- (With Giovanetti, Anna and Cartocci, Valerio) CBRN risks in Maritime and Land Containers Transport. Collected Essays, Rome: ENEA 2017 http://hdl.handle.net/10840/8599
- (With Chetaine, Abdelwahed) Non-Proliferation, Safety and Nuclear Security. Collected Essays on Technologies and International Policies, Amsterdam: IOS press 2016
- (With Trentin, Massimiliano) The Middle East and the Cold War, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar 2012
- (With Di Nolfo, Ennio) Il Mediterraneo tra storia e politica [Mediterranean between History and Politics], Venice: Marsilio 2012
- “International History of Science and Technology”, Humana.Mente. vol. 16, 2011
- Kirchof, A.M.; McNeill, J.R. “Nature and the Iron Curtain. Environmental Policy and Social Movements in Communist and Capitalist Countries 1945-1990”, book review in: ARO, IV, 2021, 1, URL https://aro-isig.fbk.eu/issues/2021/1/nature-and-the-iron-curtain-matteo-gerlini/
- Riccardi, L. “L’ultima politica estera. L’Italia e il Medio Oriente alla fine della Prima Repubblica”, book review in Mondo Contemporaneo, 1/2016
- Riccardi, L. “L’internazionalismo difficile”, book review in Società e storia, 1/2015
- Donno, A. “Una relazione speciale. Stati Uniti e Israele dal 1948 al 2009” book review in Ricerche di Storia Politica, 3/2014
- Blaszczyk R.L. “The color revolution”, book review in Mondo Contemporaneo, 3/2014
-Cohen, A. “Bomb, Opacity, Democracy”, book review in BOOKS & IDEAS.NET, 2011
- Elli, M. “The relations between United Kingdom and Euratom” book review in Journal of European Integration History, 30, 2013
- (with D. Basosi and A. Romano) “From Helsinki to Gorbachev, 1975-1985: The Globalization of Bipolar Confrontation”, research note in C. Ostermann (ed.) Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Vol. 16, 2007/2008, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholar
Invited presentations to peer-reviewed, internationally established conferences and international advanced schools
- “La politica euro-mediterranea”, presentation in the conference “Craxi e Andreotti. Politiche, stili e visioni tra conflitti e collaborazione”, 16 May 2022, Senate of the Republic, Rome
- “Dalla Grande Guerra alla ‘pace senza pace’ di Versailles: l’europeismo di Giacomo Matteotti” [From WWI to the ‘peace without peace’ of Versailles], in “Europeismo e antifascismo tra le due guerre” [Europeism and antifascism between world wars], Università del Salento, 26-27 November 2021, Lecce
- “The creation of the EURATOM research centre in Ispra, Italy: the first effort to achieve a European nuclear community”, Royal Geographic Society (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference 2021, 31 August-03 September 2021, London
- “From Water to Atom: the investments by the Italian banks and the local communities opposition to hydropower basins and nuclear plants” (with F. Nemore and G. Paoloni), EOGAN 2020 (delated and moved to virtual), 27 May 2021
- “Comparing Regional Proliferation Risks and Safeguards Systems” (with M. Ikegami), ESARDA Symposium, 14-16 May 2019, Stresa
- “European cooperation, national competition: the EURATOM Commission and the animal spirits of fast neutrons reactors” in “The History of EURATOM. Science, international politics and nuclear diplomacy”, Università Roma Tre, 9-10 May 2019, Rome
- “The EURATOM fast breeder reactor program: nuclear diplomacy between nations and integration”, presentation in the workshop “Nuclear Diplomacies: Their Past, Present, and Future”, 9-11 November 2018, Sokendai, Kanagawa
- “The IAEA: historiography and research prospects””, presentation in the IUSS of University of Pavia symposium “United Nations and International System. Interdisciplinary studies”, Pavia, 9 November 2017
- “The Achille Lauro Hijacking”, presentation at the international symposium of International Law, Keio University School of Law, Tokyo, 21 April 2017
- “Nuclear Security as an International Ongoing Process” - paper presented at 3rd International Conference Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering (ICNBME), Chisinau, 23-25 September 2015
- “How Fast Breeder Reactors Triggered Legislative Changes in Italy” - paper presented at international SENIX conference, hold in Stockholm, the 25-27 May 2015
- “Energy Independence vs Nuclear Safeguards: U.S: Attitude toward French-Italian Breeder Reactors Program” - paper presented in the international conference “Italy’s Nuclear Experience”, Trieste 13-15 November 2014
- “Nuclear Power and Public Opinion in Italy: the referendum on nuclear energy”- Paper presented in the Symposium “S42 Atomic Energy in the Public Sphere”, held at the 4th International Conference of European Society for the History of Science, Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010
- “Italian Nuclear Programs”- paper presented in the 6th session of “Transfer and reception of Nuclear technology in a Peripheral Europe” of Science and Technology in European Periphery (STEP) 2010 meeting, Galway 17-20 June 2010
- “The Achille Lauro Hijacking and US-Italy relations”. Paper presented on invitation at the international conference "Italian Foreign Policy in the Eighties", Rome, 17-18 January 2002. (This conference was organised by ISPI, Fondazione di studi storici Filippo Turati, with the sponsorship of the Prime Minister's Office)
Other Workshop and conferences
- La Guerra e l’arma nucleare” [The War and the Nuclear Weapon], presentation at the conference Nomi e forme della violenza politica” ]Names and shapes of political violence. After the XX century], University of Florence, 22-23 February 2018
- “The Joint Research Centre of Ispra and the Italian commitment for the European Science Hub”, presentation in the International Conference “Understanding the European Union” Joint Citizen’s Forces – Common European Future strand of EACEA. Ljubljana, 1-3 December 2017
- “The need for a National Nuclear Security Plan” presentation at Trieste NEXT “ENERGETHIC”, 27 September 2014
-“Compact Course in Nuclear Security”- Education project presented at the IAEA Workshop on Coordination and Promotion of Education Program in Nuclear Security, Vienna 29-31 March 2010
-“The Italian FBR program”- Paper presented at the second meeting of the seminar on “A Comparative Study of European energy Programs”, Barcelona, University Pompeu Fabra, 3-4 December 2009, Chair of the seminar: Albert Presas I Puig
-“Technoscientific power and contemporary China”- Paper presented at the international conference “Galileo in China”, Florence, Gabinetto Viesseux, 17 November 2009
- “Elements of Italian Nuclear History” – Paper presented at the seminar: “A Comparative Study of European energy Programs”, Barcelona, University Pompeu Fabra, 5-6 December 2008, Scientific chair of the seminar: Albert Presas I Puig
Organisation of International conferences
- Scientific chair of the workshop International Best Practices and Lessons Learned on the Public Engagement of the Back End of Fuel-Cycle, held in the ENEA laboratories, Frascati (Rome) 12 October 2018 https://www.eurosafe-forum.org/node/505
- Scientific chair of the permanent Seminar on Fast-breeder reactor history, a common project of Machiavelli Center, Academy of Science of Bologna and ENEA. The first meeting was held in Bologna, the 15th June 2015
- Member of the scientific committee of the international workshop “The American Challenge. The impact of the US scientific, technological and industrial organization in Post-war Europe”, held in Barcelona, University Pompeu Fabra, 15-17 December 2011
- Member of the scientific committee of the of the first Seminar of International History Researches' in Science and Technology, focusing on historical researches in aerospace cooperation, Florence, Faculty of Political Science, 8 June 2010
- Organizer of the panels 242 and 269 “The Middle East during the Global Cold War”, held at the 3rd World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Barcelona, 19-24 July 2010, “The Nuclear Issue in Middle Eastern Global Cold War” - paper presented here
- Member of the scientific Committee of the international conference “Nuclear Proliferation: History and Current Problems”, Florence, University of Florence, 4-5 October 2007 (with A. Baracca, R. Braun, L. Nuti, A. Presas i Puig, J. Renn)
- Member of the steering committee of the international conference “From Helsinki to Gorbachev: The Globalization of Bipolar Confrontation (1975-1985)” Artimino (Florence), 26-28 April 2006. (This conference was organised by the Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies and the Woodrow Wilson Center: Cold War History Project).
- 15/01/2016-15/04/2018 member of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Unit in the H2020 granted project “History of nuclear energy and society” (HoNESt). Deliverable: “Italy: short Country report” HoNESt project 2017 http://www.honest2020.eu/sites/default/files/deliverables_24/IT.pdf
- 01/09/2011-30/06/2012 member of the research unit on nuclear energy for the project “Engines of Growth” funded by Ministry of University and Scientific Research Future in Research project (RBFR10JOTQ), call 2010
- 01/03/2010-30/11/2012 member of Florence Unit in the Progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale (National Research Project, PRIN): “In the Shadow of the Bomb: a Political History of Nuclear Energy's Military and Peaceful Uses” (funded by Italian Ministry for University and Scientific Research).
- Research grant of 1.500 euros from the Filippo Turati Foundation for the paper presented in the conference granted by the Italian Presidency of Minister’s Council, “Europeismo e antifascismo tra le due guerre” [Europeism and antifascism between world wars], Università del Salento, 26-27 November 2021, Lecce
- NATO science for Peace and Security grant of 59.000 euros for the proposal of Advanced research workshop on “CBRN risks in land, maritime and container security”, hold in Rome 25-27 May 2016.
- NATO science for Peace and Security grant of 60.000 euros for the proposal of Advanced training course on “Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security on international perspective”, ran in Rabat 15-20 December 2014, at University Mohamed V.