IGSDA Chairman Visit to Operation AGENOR Command, EMASoH
رئيس معهد شؤون الأمن العالمي والدفاع يزور مقر قيادة العملية العسكرية الأوروبية AGENOR, EMASoH
“FINGERS ARE ON THE TRIGGERS”: An Egyptian’s Perspective of the Middle East in English language
指は引き金の上に “超大国の国家安全保障戦略と中東地域への影響”
American University in the Emirates (AUE) announces Its Webinar On The Mediterranean Region
Taiwan Center For Security Studies (TCSS) at National Chengchi University Signs Academic Partnership With IGSDA
“Frontiers of Security the Present Day Egypt is Faced With: Generational Transformation of Media, Cyber-Attacks and Public Health Crisis in the Middle East”
University of Tokyo (ROLES) Signs Academic Partnership With IGSDA
IGSDA Chairman Visit to Operation AGENOR Command, EMASoH
رئيس معهد شؤون الأمن العالمي والدفاع يزور مقر قيادة العملية العسكرية الأوروبية AGENOR, EMASoH
“FINGERS ARE ON THE TRIGGERS”: An Egyptian’s Perspective of the Middle East in English language
指は引き金の上に “超大国の国家安全保障戦略と中東地域への影響”
American University in the Emirates (AUE) announces Its Webinar On The Mediterranean Region
Taiwan Center For Security Studies (TCSS) at National Chengchi University Signs Academic Partnership With IGSDA
“Frontiers of Security the Present Day Egypt is Faced With: Generational Transformation of Media, Cyber-Attacks and Public Health Crisis in the Middle East”
University of Tokyo (ROLES) Signs Academic Partnership With IGSDA

We are good at
IGSDA is formed to be able to professionally research and assist Governmental and Nongovernmental organizations in several fields related to security and defense. IGSDA extinguished experts are following the developments of the political and security situations in all regions in the world, having their own clear and precise views. Definitely, you (Governmental, Non-Governmental and Independent Organizations) can be always in the image of the current and future global, regional and national threats and challenges around you.

We are good at
IGSDA is formed to be able to professionally research and assist Governmental and Nongovernmental organizations in several fields related to security and defense. IGSDA extinguished experts are following the developments of the political and security situations in all regions in the world, having their own clear and precise views. Definitely, you (Governmental, Non-Governmental and Independent Organizations) can be always in the image of the current and future global, regional and national threats and challenges around you.
