Matteo Gerlini is adjunct lecturer of History and Policy of Scientific Research at Special School for Archivists and Librarians in the Sapienza University of Rome. He is member of the Independent Scientific Evaluation Group on NATO Science for Peace and Security program. In 2009 he was visiting fellow at European University Institute. In 2012 he has been researcher in the START Consortium of the University of Maryland, project EuroARCH. From 2016 to 2018 he was researcher in the Horizon 2020 granted HoNESt project of Pompeu Fabra University. From 2012 to 2016 he was delegate at the EU Consortium for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament for the University of Florence. He was Taiwan fellow for the year 2020 in National Defense University (Taipei). Since 2016 he gave lectures in the European Safeguards Research and Development Association steered by the Joint Research Centre of European Commission.

Selected Publications

  • Guest editor, International Journal of Nuclear Security, 1/2020
  • (With Giovanetti, Anna and Cartocci, Valerio) CBRN risks in Maritime and Land Containers Transport. Collected Essays, Rome: ENEA 2017
  • (With Chetaine, Abdelwahed) Non-Proliferation, Safety and Nuclear Security. Collected Essays on Technologies and International Policies, Amsterdam: IOS press 2016
  • “The Sigonella Crisis: the Middle East and the Atlantic alliance”, in Monzali, Luciano and Soave, Paolo (eds), Italy and Middle East, London: Tauris 2020.
  • “The rise and fall of nuclear Italy”, in Kirchhof, Astrid Mignon, Pathways Into and Out of Nuclear Power in five Western European Countries, Deutsches Museum Studies, Volume 3, Münster: Deutscher Museum Verlag 2020.
  • (with Ikegami, Masako) “Comparing regional proliferation risks and safeguards systems”, ESARDA 41st Annual Meeting Symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management 2019, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2019