Te l: +971 050 896 0299 / +1(305)967-5614 Email: Pbell201515@gmail.com
Dr. Patrick Bell’s expertise is centered on the interactions of networks at the nexus of politics and policy. An interdisciplinary and international public policy scholar/practitioner with over 30 years of experience, he has advised and taught government officials at every level of government from local to international. He has focused on applying data and analytics to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of programs within the US interagency and with international partners at the strategic level for 10 years. His career began with two political appointments: as a policy advisor within the US Treasury Department’s Office of the Under Secretary for Enforcement and as a special assistant at the US Department of Defense Office of the Undersecretary for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics from 1997-2001. He has gone on to develop analytics courses and taught public policy and administration, research methods and statistics at both the undergraduate and graduate levels from 2008-2017.
In 2017, Dr. Bell moved overseas to work at the National Defence College (NDC) of the United Arab
Emirates, became a Fulbright Specialist to Ukraine and lectured on the impact of emerging technology (AI, Digitalization, Synthetic Media) on public sector transformation. At the NDC focused on teaching courses on the impact of all aspects of strategy (i.e. Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental) in an era of increasing great power competition. Over the last six years, Dr. Bell has also directed courses on information and cyber issues, national security decision making and mentored senior leaders in the production and communication of policy papers and decision memoranda. Selected issues include modeling climate change mitigation policies for COP28, the impact of emerging technologies (AI, Big Data, Data Lakes, Cloud based Data Fusion) on national security, Emergency and Disaster Management, Government Innovation and Performance, Information Warfare and Cyber Strategy. His current projects are interdisciplinary and blend theory with practical advice which have high visibility and wide distribution throughout the senior levels of UAE government including Federal Ministries, the Federal National Council, The National Supreme Security Council and the Diwan’s (i.e. public offices) of each of the rulers of the seven emirates.
Data Analysis and Statistical Modeling
• Complexity and System Dynamics
• Game Theory
• Hierarchical and Multilevel Modeling
• Quantum Theory and Simulation
• Social Network Analysis
• Heuristics and Information Processing
Leadership and Policy Advising
• Negotiations
• Performance Management
• Policy Analysis
• Policy Implementation
• Strategic Leadership Training
• Creating and cultivation of key stakeholders
Strategic Communications
• Cross Cultural communication
• Information Strategy
• Narrative Construction
• Analysis of Information, misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda
• Analysis of Cyber warfare tactics
• Strategy for National Security/emergency communication
FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY | Doctor of Philosophy, Public Affairs
Miami, FL USA
April 2012
Dissertation: Development of Local Homeland Organizations in the State of Florida: A Social Network Analysis Approach
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY | Master of Arts in Political Management
Washington, D.C. USA 1997
FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY | Master of Public Administration, Semester abroad, Fall 1990
Boca Raton, FL USA,1993
Semester abroad, Fall 1990 Seville, Spain
STETSON UNIVERSITY | Bachelor of Arts in Political Science,
Deland, FL USA, 1990
Rey Juan Carlos University Professor/Potente
Madrid, Spain 2023
Collaborate with international faculty team in creating and developing program entitled “Conflictos y
rivalidades estratégicas en Oriente Medio, Mediterráneo y África, en la nuevadinámica de seguridad” for the XXIV Edición de los Cursos de Verano.
National Defence College Assistant Professor of Strategic Studies and Assistant Professor of Strategy and Strategic Studies
Abu Dhabi, UAE 2017
Non-Resident Fellow, Northeast South Asia Center, US Department of Defense, Washington, DC
• Supervises final (e.g.) Capstone Projects of participants; Directs and revises core courses on
strategic topics such as Instruments of National Power: Information and Cyber Issues and National
Security Decision Making; Facilitates discussion to achieve learning outcomes using cognitive
learning theory tools such as mental mapping on assigned courses.
• Researches and collaborates on designing projects that meet college objectives by applying
quantitative and qualitative methods to contemporary national security issues and their strategic
dimensions for professional publications for the College on topics including Computational
Propaganda and Synthetic media, Impact of Emerging Technologies (i.e., AI, Quantum Computing,
Nanomaterials) on National Security Issues, Application of Complexity theory and Quantum
Theory to National Security Strategy.
The George Washington University Professorial Lecturer
Washington, DC 2013-2017
• Instructor for Research Methods for Political Managers and Political Data and Analytics (Fully
Online courses) and developed syllabi and course for Political Data and Analytics for in Person
(2016) and Fully Online Versions
Florida International University Adjunct Faculty and Graduate/Teaching Assistant
Miami, Florida 2003 - 2017
• Instructed on courses and conducted research specializing in the application of sophisticated
quantitative techniques to both original and secondary datasets. Proficient in both linear and non-
linear modeling techniques including ANOVA, MANOVA, ANCOVA, binomial and multinomial
logistic regression, probit regression, general and hierarchical linear modeling, social network
analysis and application of Complexity theory to complex policy problems.
United States Department of Defense Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (AT&L)Office of Environmental Security/Cleanup Special Assistant
Washington, D.C. 2000-2001
• Advisor to senior Department of Defense (DOD) executives on the development of programs and
policies designed to implement the requirements of the Defense Environmental Restoration
• Designed and conducted complicated surveys, reviews, and analyses with input and assistance from
other analysts and subject matter specialists throughout DOD and other federal agencies.
United States Department of the Treasury Office of the Under Secretary (Enforcement), Office of Policy Development Policy Advisor 1997-2000
• Expert advisor and analyst to senior executives on economic, financial, and violent crime policy
issues including arms trafficking and use, counterfeiting, drug trafficking, identity theft,
international crime, terrorism and use of weapons of mass destruction.
• Coordinated Treasury Department’s participation in interagency policy briefings and meetings
including the Central American Justice Minister’s meeting and the Executive Office of the
President’s Office of National Drug Control Policy Performance Measures of Effectiveness Report.
• Provided guidance and recommendations to improve effectiveness and efficiency of established
strategic planning documents and statistical reporting mechanisms of Treasury Enforcement
Clinton/Gore ’96 Primary & General Committee, Inc.,Telephone Operations, Operations Department,
Office Manager,1996
• Organized, recruited, trained, and supervised a staff of 50 interns and volunteers
• Managed 2,500, corporate, press, and public inquires daily while improving average response time
of the office by 60 %; praised by Director of Operations
United States Army Reserve 347th Medical Detachment (HA) (unit deactivated)/442nd Personnel Services Company Unit Clerk & Record Specialist 1986-1994
• Coordinated maintenance of a retirement point system for unit of approximately 100 personnel
• Performed various personnel functions in a garrison and field/tactical environment