
Part 1: It Was The Only World Power And Today It Seeks To Regain Its Regional Power
- By General
- . June 16, 2016
By Gen (Retd). Sayed Ghoneim.. As Egypt a maker of civilisation and an icon of world civilisations, or a weak state under frequent occupation? It became

Brexit The One-way Ticket to Paradise?
- By General
- . June 6, 2016
Brexit The One-way Ticket to Paradise? By Dr. Seppe Verheyen
Hidden files on policing could change the definition of torture
- By General
- . June 6, 2016
Hidden files on policing could change the definition of torture By Dr. Samantha Newbery

Senate CIA torture report release: expert reaction
- By General
- . June 6, 2016
Senate CIA torture report release: expert reaction By number of experienced names including Dr. Samantha Newbery

The Middle East Between Facing Threats, Challenges and Hope for the Stability
- By General
- . June 5, 2016
The Middle East Between Facing Threats, Challenges and Hope for the Stability By: Genreral (Retd). Sayed Ghoneim

The Wrong Solution
- By General
- . June 5, 2016
The Wrong Solution By: General (Retired) Sayed Ghoneim

The ‘New World Order’ and the current super-power states
- By Sayed Ghoneim
- . June 5, 2016
The ‘New World Order’ and the current super-power states By: General (Retired) Sayed Ghoneim