
رابطة الآسيان ومجلس التعاون الخليجى …. تجربة رائدة فى التنمية والتعاون الاقتصادى الاقليمى

  دكتور/ رضا محمد هلال – أستاذ العلوم السياسية المساعد – معهد أكتوبر العالى للاقتصاد – مدينة الثقافة والعلوم ٦ أكتوبر. تمكنت رابطة أمم جنوب

Assessments & Reports

تقدير رقم 41- تقييم الأداء العسكري المحتمل للجانبين الروسي والأوكراني في الشتاء

صباح السبت 19 نوفمبر 2022، يوم 268 عمليات دكتور سَــــيْد غُنــــيْم، دكتوراه العلوم السياسية من جامعة بورسعيد، وزميل أكاديمية ناصر العسكرية العليا، هو رئيس معهد

Assessments & Reports

تقدير رقم 39 – الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية “الانسحاب الرابع: خيرسون”

دكتور سَــــيْد غُنــــيْم، دكتوراه العلوم السياسية من جامعة بورسعيد، وزميل أكاديمية ناصر العسكرية العليا، هو رئيس معهد شؤون الأمن العالمي والدفاع، والأستاذ الزائر بالأكاديمية العسكرية

Assessments & Reports

تقدير رقم 38 – تطورات الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية: تحول استراتيجي أم تكرار للأخطاء؟

ظهر السبت 22 أكتوبر 2022، يوم 241  عمليات أولاً: “تطورات أعمال الجانبين“ أعلن الكرملين وضع الولايات الأربع المنضمة حديثاً لروسيا من الأراضي الوكرانية تحت المظلة

Assessments & Reports

“تقدير رقم 37 – تطورات الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية – التصعيد، وماذا بعد؟”

أولاً: “تطورات أعمال الجانبين“ يوم 10  أكتوبر – ي ٢٢٩ ع، شنت القوات الروسية هجوماً صاروخياً مكثفاً على أكثر من 20 مدينة، بما في ذلك

Assessments & Reports

“ألمانيا تزيد من دفعها العسكري لدعم أوكرانيا وتأمين خط التماس في البلطيق” كيف تُرى كنتائج لاستراتيجيتي بوتين والولايات المتحدة في هذا الصدد؟

أولاً: المستحدثات: أعلنت ألمانيا المزيد من عمليات تسليم الأسلحة لأوكرانيا، بما في ذلك نظام الدفاع الجوي IRIS-T، وما مجموعه 100 دبابة من اليونان وسلوفاكيا، تتحمل

Assessments & Reports

“تقدير رقم 36 – تطورات الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية – ما قبل الشتاء”

* ملحوظة: الخريطة المرفقة من موقع بلومبرج، وقد وضعت إضافات الأسهم العريضة الزرقاء والحمراء والتي توضح أعمال الجانبين الحالية والمنتظرة على الأرض. “تطورات أعمال الجانبين“

Assessments & Reports

الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية: كيف تفكر كل من الولايات المتحدة وروسيا؟

وصلنا للشهر الثامن من الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية، حيث حدثت متغيرات كثيرة غيرت من مسار الحرب وعلينا أن نتصور الأن، كيف تفكر الولايات المتحدة وكيف يفكر

Assessments & Reports

تقدير رقم 35- أهم السيناريوهات المحتملة مع إعلان بوتين التعبئة الجزئية والاقتراع على ضم أربع ولايات أوكرانية للإتحاد الروسي

تقدير رقم 35- أهم السيناريوهات المحتملة مع إعلان بوتين التعبئة الجزئية والاقتراع على ضم أربع ولايات أوكرانية للإتحاد الروسي الثلاثاء 27 سبتمبر 2022 أكثر من

Assessments & Reports

تقدير رقم 34- تحديات وتداعيات أعلان بوتين التعبئة الجزئية لقوات الاحتياط الروسية

الأربعاء 12 سبتمبر 2022 أولاً: الموقف الاستراتيجي السياسي العسكري: كنت قد توقعت في نهايات تقديراتي أرقام 31 و32 و33 أن بوتين قد يضطر للتعجيل بتنفيذ

Articles Assessments & Reports

تقدير رقم 33- التحول الاستراتيجي في مسار الحرب الروسية/ الأوكرانية

أولاً: الموقف السياسي الإقليمي الأوراسي: نشبت اشتباكات بين قرقيزستان وطاجيكستان أمس، حيث وقع تبادلاً لإطلاق النار بين حرس الحدود في البلدين يوم الأربعاء 14 سبتمبر،

Articles Assessments & Reports

تقدير رقم 32- قيام القوات الأوكرانية بشن هجمات مضادة على عدة محاور

أولاً: مقدمة: كنت قد ذكرت في تقديري السابق رقم (31) أن “القوات الروسية في أوكرانيا تعيد تجميع تشكيلاتها تحولاً لأوضاع دفاعية على كافة المواجهة”،واتضح مؤخراً

Assessments & Reports

Assessment#27 RUS-UKR War: A Perspective Of The Phases Of The Russian Military Operation In Ukraine

First: The first stage (the comprehensive attack): Duration: From February 24 to early April 2022. Features and Procedures: The Russian forces adopted the method of


تقدير رقم 27- مراحل العملية العسكرية الروسية في اوكرانيا

أًولا: المرحلة الأولى (الهجوم الشامل): المدة: اعتباراً من 24 فبراير حتى أوائل أبريل 2022″. الإجراءات: محاولة انتهاج أسلوب الحرب الخاطفة، وذلك بتنفيذ هجوم شامل على

Assessments & Reports

The Us Returns To Not To Allow China And Russia To Fill The Vacuum In The Middle East

Introduction: Currently, US President Joe Biden is on official visits to Israel and Saudi Arabia, coinciding with convening of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit

Assessments & Reports

الولايات المتحدة تعود للشرق الأوسط لعدم السماح بوجود فراغ تملأه الصين وروسيا

أولاً: مقدمة: حالياً يقوم الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن بزيارات رسمية لإسرائيل والسعودية، في وقت يتزامن مع عقد القمة الخليجية بالرياض بحضور زعماء دول مجلس التعاون

Articles Assessments & Reports

Other front in East Asia

“US President Joe Biden said on Monday he would be willing to use force to defend Taiwan and that the United States stands with other

Articles Assessments & Reports

ملاحظات محدثة عن الحرب الروسية في أوكرانيا: “وجهة نظر حول الأحداث الأخيرة المتعلقة بالأزمة الأوكرانية”

أولاً: “عضوية تركيا والناتو لفنلندا والسويد” لا تكتفي تركيا عادة بالمشكلة عندما تأتي لك، على الرغم من نهجها العدواني فحسب، بل تأتي إليك عادة والمشكلة


Conceptualizing the Security Developments in the Indo-Pacific

Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi, Project Assistant Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology of the University of Tokyo In recent decades, there has been much attention

Books News


お知らせ 2021 / 10 / 19 (火) 【出版】IGSDAとの共催ウェビナーが英語著作の一部として刊行されました ROLES-IGSDA Joint Seminars on “Geopolitical Dynamism in the Wider Middle East Region” ROLESが協力関係にある、UAEアブダビを拠点とするシンクタンクIGSDA(Institute for Global Security and


Who Lost Australia?

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The repercussions of the AUKUS still reverberate even one month after the announcement of the


Japan’s 100th Prime Minister: Consolidating the Change

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Japan is going to have a new prime minister in early October. Ruling Liberal Democratic

Assessments & Reports

The repercussions of ISIS Attack on Kabul Airport

Major General (Ret) Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science – Fellow, Nasser’s Higher Military Academy. With the decision of former US President Donald Trump in


The Strategist of Wrong Strategies

Major General (Ret) Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science – Fellow, Nasser’s Higher Military Academy. In my book Fingers Are On the Triggers, I called


Baltic States, a dream becoming reality?

Professor. Marc Lavergne, a French Senior Fellow Researcher (Emeritus) on the Geopolitics and Geostrategy of the Contemporary Middle East and Horn of Africa at the


The Real Face of Iran

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Indirect talks between Iran and the United States which has been held in Vienna will


Net-Zero, the Common Future

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Energy security is the common concern for the East Asian and the Gulf nations. Energy

Articles Assessments & Reports

The Untapped Potential of the Private Sector to Improve Africa’s Security

John Siko (D Litt et Phil), Senior Strategist on Africa at IGSDA – Director of Burnham Global, Dubai. On 26 April, French energy giant Total


Egypt’s Pivot to East Africa

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Egypt is back. This time, as an African regional power. Egypt’s diplomatic offensive toward the


Global Race to Normalcy

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo. The days of trial and error to get out of the COVID-19 restrictions continue as


Majority Rule and Minority Rights in Israeli Democracy

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo On June 2, a historic coalition deal was reached in Israel. Yair Lapid, leader of


African Genocides: In Memory

Professor. Marc Lavergne, a French Senior Fellow Researcher (Emeritus) on the Geopolitics and Geostrategy of the Contemporary Middle East and Horn of Africa at the


“Egypt toward the Horn of Africa”

Dr. Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science – Chairman, IGSDA For several decades, the Egyptian role was confined toward its international borders, which wasted opportunities


Japan’s Pivotal Position in Asia-Pacific

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Japan is busy welcoming visits and joint exercises with major maritime nations. Throughout May, Japanese

Books News

指は引き金の上に “超大国の国家安全保障戦略と中東地域への影響”

The Middle East is not part of the world that plays by Las Vegas rules; What happens in the Middle East is not going to


Changes in Unchanging Reality of Gaza Wars

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor of Religion and Global Security, the University of Tokyo The conflict between Israel and Gaza since May 10 evokes a series of


The Year of Reset in Danger

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo. I’m a perplexed East Asian bystander of the Middle East affairs. Politics and society in

Assessments & Reports Events

“The U.S., China and Russia in the Middle East”, Video

Lectured by: by Maj. Gen (Ret) and Ph.D. Sayed Ghoneim, Friday, 30th of April 2021. Published by: University of Defense of Honours, Tegucigalpa Conference of


The Olympic Curse

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo. On September 7, 2013, Japan was filled with joy when Tokyo was elected to host


Stranded in Compensation

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The Japanese people praised the Egyptian authorities who rescued the container ship the Ever Given

Articles Books News


The book How Did We End Up Here? is a compilation of 105 columns which observe the transformation of the Middle East order from a


The US Commitment to Asia

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo    Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s low-profile visit to Washington DC on April 16 tells


A Year of Many Anniversaries

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The year 2021 marks many anniversaries of the Middle East wars and conflicts. 10 years


Northern Ireland, And Hapless Victim Of Brexit

Professor. Marc Lavergne, a French Senior Fellow Researcher (Emeritus) on the Geopolitics and Geostrategy of the Contemporary Middle East and Horn of Africa at the


Expanding FOIP and Quad

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo “FOIP”, the Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy, is one of the most successful foreign policy

Events News

American University in the Emirates (AUE) announces Its Webinar On The Mediterranean Region

Dr. Sayed Ghoneim, Chairman, IGSDA – Member of the Advisory Board of “Program of Master of Security Studies and Information Analysis” at American University in


Struggle in the Canal: Six Days That Shook the World

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The global transport crisis which started on March 23 caused by the stranded container ship

Assessments & Reports

The Horn of Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean are Between Two Red Lines

Dr. Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science – Chairman, IGSDA Tuesday, March 30, 2021 “I repeat that the waters of Egypt are untouchable and touching

News Partnership

Taiwan Center For Security Studies (TCSS) at National Chengchi University Signs Academic Partnership With IGSDA

In Behalf of Taiwan Center For Security Studies (TCSS) of National Chengchi University (NCU) and Institute for Global Security and Defense Affairs (IGSDA), Dr. Fu-Kuo

Articles Assessments & Reports

China’s New World Order and The Middle East

Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science, Chairman IGSDA. China considers the Middle Eastern countries complaints against the U.S. and European intervention in their countries’ internal


Alaska Exchange

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo “Alaska exchange” which took place on March 18 is the recent trending topic in foreign


Quad and the New Framework for the New Indo-Pacific Order

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Four countries of the strategic dialogue named Quadrilateral Security Dialogue حوار أمني رباعي, also known


Ten Years After the Earthquake

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Ten years has passed since the Great Earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tohoku in

Events News

“Frontiers of Security the Present Day Egypt is Faced With: Generational Transformation of Media, Cyber-Attacks and Public Health Crisis in the Middle East”

Event Information Date and Time March 12, 2021 15:00 – 17:00 (JST) 10:00 – 12:00 (Abu Dhabi Time) 08:00 – 10:00 (Cairo Time) Organizer Zoom

Assessments & Reports Events

‘What Biden’s Administration Is Faced with in the MENA Region: A Reality Check’ – Video

Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science, Chairman IGSDA. U-Tokyo (ROLES & IGSDA) 2nd Seminar on 26 February 2021 Introduction At the outset, we have to

Events Media

Security Threats in Sahel and Sub-Sahara Regions – Complete Video

Security Threats in Sahel and Sub-Sahara Regions: RCAST Security Webinar Series #3 was held (ZOOM) on n February 26, 2021, 15:00 – 17:00, Tokyo time.


The Age of Indo-Pacific Exploration

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The year 2021 will see navy vessels of the Western European countries deployed to the

Assessments & Reports

European Interest and Involvement in the East Mediterranean Sea – Video

Col. (GS) Eric Michiels, Defense Attaché of Belgium, NATO and EU to GCC countries, Abu Dhabi U-Tokyo (ROLES & IGSDA) 2nd Seminar on 12 February

Assessments & Reports

Turkey, Israel and Egypt: Regional Rivalry in the Eastern Mediterranean – Video

Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science, Chairman IGSDA. U-Tokyo (ROLES & IGSDA) 2nd Seminar on 12 February 2021 Introduction With the increasing of gas discoveries


Strategic Rivalry in the East Mediterranean Sea – Complete Video

Strategic Rivalry in the East Mediterranean Sea: RCAST Security Webinar Series #2 was held (ZOOM) on n February 12, 2021, 15:00 – 17:00, Tokyo time.

News Partnership

University of Tokyo (ROLES) Signs Academic Partnership With IGSDA

In Behalf of RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies (ROLES) of the University of Tokyo and The Institute for Global Security and Defense Affairs (IGSDA),


Zoom Zoom..Our Modern Times

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The COVID-19 accelerated the globalization further. Under the surface of the lockdowns caused by the


The Great Reset

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo With the arrivals and distributions of vaccines, the exit seems to be arising in front


Vaccine’s Political Cure

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The world is racing towards the exit. Exit from this annoying COVID-19 quagmire which has


The Ball is in the Iranian’s Court

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo One of the characteristics of the Biden administration is the return of the officials who

Assessments & Reports

‘Regional Rivalry in The Horn of Africa and The Red Sea’

Ahmed Adel, Researcher, IGSDA, Gehad Fathy, Researcher, IGSDA and MajGen (Ret. Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science, Chairman IGSDA. Fourth lecture; ROLES and IGSDA online

Assessments & Reports

‘The Great Powers in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa’

Eric Michiels, Defence Attaché of the Kingdom of Belgium, UAE Second lecture; ROLES and IGSDA online seminar, Friday, 22-01-2021. ‘New Great Game for the Red

Assessments & Reports

‘The Horn of Africa and Red Sea: From the Indian Ocean to the Upper Nile, from the Red Sea to the Great Lakes’,

Prof. Marc Lavergne, Senior Research Fellow, National Center for Scientific Research Middle East/Horn of Africa, University of Tours, France First lecture; ROLES and IGSDA online

Assessments & Reports

Normalization with Israel, Reconciliation with Qatar and the Middle East Regional Order: A Different View

MajGen (Ret. Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science, Chairman IGSDA. Opening speech; ROLES and IGSDA online seminar, Friday, 22-01-2021. ‘New Great Game for the Red


Intel Inside

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The tensions between China and the United States seems not to be abated under Biden


Kremlinology of Biden Administration

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The rule of President Trump closed to an end with political hustle and bustle. Will


U.S. Reassurance to Allies Amidst the D.C. Turmoil

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo If a history film titled “Fall of the American Empire” is to be made in


New Great Game for the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa: RCAST Security Webinar Series #1

As announced by Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) , the University of Tokyo (U-TOKYO) Event Information Date and Time January 22,

Assessments & Reports

Terrorism: Root Causes, Ramifications and Good Practices

MajGen (Ret. Sayed Ghoneim, PhD in Political Science, Chairman IGSDA. Introduction It is doubtless that the most important regional rivalry in the Middle East is


Rapprochement of the Gulf Brothers

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The year 2021 started with a joyful surprise. The rift between Saudi Arabia and other


There is no New Year’s Holiday in the Middle East

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo A week overlapping New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day is the biggest holiday period


The National Agenda

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 30 Dec, 2020 The UAE completes the year of scientific achievements with a distinguished success, which


American University in the Emirates (AUE) announces its 1st International Arabian-Gulf Security Conference

American University in the Emirates (AUE) announces its 1st International Arabian-Gulf Security Conference, to be held 17-18 Feb 2021 in its campus in Dubai, United


Vaccine Diplomacy

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo COVID-19 vaccination has begun around the world. The Middle East is no exception. Leaders of


The World Patchworked: Ten Years After the Arab Spring

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Today marks the tenth anniversary of the event which shaken and is still shaking the


Foreseeing Post-Pandemic World

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 16 December 2020 We can almost say that the year 2020 is the year of Corona


Imagining the World After COVID-19

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo What will the international order look like in the “post-COVID-19” era? As Abu Dhabi Emergency,


Sunrise in the Forbidden City

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo China is continuing its campaign targeted against Australia on the social media platforms. On November


Dances with Wolves

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison visited Japan and met Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on


UAE’s achievements in 2020

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 25 Nov, 2020 After the United Arab Emirates approaches the farewell of year 2020 with unique


What Will President Trump Leave Behind in the Middle East?

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo It seems certain Mr. Biden is going to be the next president even if President


Authoritarian Character against Democratic Institutions

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo U.S. presidential election is officially still undecided. Although Joe Biden has highly probably won, President


The Emirates. And the strength of stability

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 11 Nov, 2020 It’s often the case that the analysis of the political weight of countries


Trump, Not the End but a Precursor of American Instability

“It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.” That is a famous statement on the difference between voting


Paradigm Changes under the COVID-19

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Under the surface of the COVID-19 restrictions, steady changes in our conduct of professional life


Respecting Religions; The Emirati Model

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues October 28th, 2020 The honorable occasion of the birthday of the prophet, which is tomorrow, which


The Malabar Joint Naval Excercise Revived

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The Indian Ministry of Defense announced that Australian Navy would return to the Malabar Naval


The Quad in the Balance

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or the Quad, is increasingly at the center stage of


Arab Youth Dream Land

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 14 October 2020 Arab Youth regard the United Arab Emirates as Dream Land where they can


The Quad and the New Focal Point of the International Order

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo Foreign Ministers of Japan, US, Australia and India, countries composing the so-called “Quad,” Quadrilateral


Gulliver and Lilliputians

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo Turkey made a round in making problems with neighbors. It reached to the last


The UAE; and the Sustainable Development Indices

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 30 September 2020 The strong, positive engagement of the UAE in confronting the global challenges is


Turkey Against All Neighbors

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo Every month, another conflict occurs around Turkey. Every time, the same story goes and


Stepping Down in Japanese Style

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo Shinzo Abe stepped down from the prime minister’s job, very peacefully. After the relapse


The Peace Treaty…. Positive Vision for the Future

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 16 September 2020 By signing the UAE-Israel peace treaty officially under Washington auspices and upon the


Oslo and the Lost Decades

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo A signing ceremony between the United Arab Emirates and Israel is going to be


Indo-Pacific Chain of Like-minded Nations

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo Germany finally joined the camp. German government, on Wednesday September 1, formally adopted guidelines


The UAE and its Leading Political Position

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 02 September 2020 Day after day, the United Arab Emirates demonstrates its uniqueness and leadership. Transparency


Tribes Against Empires

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo US ambassador to Israel David Friedman proposed to call the Israeli-UAE agreement for normalization


The Road to Jerusalem Goes Through Abu Dhabi?

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo There are times when we witness a sea change appears in front of us.


Enriching the Arabic Language under the Leadership of the UAE

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 19 August 2020 The Arabic language has acquired high standing among the nations due to its


Beirut Blame Games

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo Lebanon is as if a microcosm of Middle Easten confusions. It’s a mosaic of


Beirut Back to Square One

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo There are moments when we recognize we have become old. I have lived long


Return of the Indo-Pacific Century

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo The huge impact of COVID-19 crisis showed China’s global influence. There was a famous


Pro-activeness is the Secret of the Emirati Nuclear Power

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 26 July 2020 Pro-activeness is the key word behind devoting the superiority in adopting unconventional fields


The Impending Lost Generation

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo The short-term outburst of the fear of COVID-19 may have receded. Even though the


Message from H.E. Akihiko Nakajima, Ambassador of Japan on Mars Mission 2020

July 2020 Mars has always been an attractive planet, inspiring the imagination of authors of science fiction as well as being an object of scientific


Hello seeker, from the Emirates to Mars

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 22 July, 2020 The competitiveness between the major powers has always stemmed from a political and


Mali In Crisis: The French Failure In The Sahel

Pr Marc Lavergne, Head Researcher, National Center for Scientific Research, University of Tours France The Malian capital Bamako has been this 11th of July the


China Turns the Table

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo As the world seeks to recover from the impact of the coronavirus, China’s presence


Luxembourg, with peace at heart

Pr Marc Lavergne, Head Researcher, National Center for Scientific Research, University of Tours France With traveling prospects drastically severed by the COVID pandemics,  I chose


The Indian Saviour

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo The startling story unfolding since early May of the intermittent brawls between Chinese and


The Ottoman fez in Libya

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 08 July 2020 The Turkish intervention in Libya causes chaos in this Arab country, and perpetuates


An Eye on Faraway Kiribati

Pr Marc Lavergne, Head Researcher, National Center for Scientific Research, University of Tours France Last June, the Kiribati archipelago, a young nation of a mere


Hong Kong’s Regression into China

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo China is rising from the ashes after the COVID-19 disaster, much more vehemently. The


Pandemic Peace: A Dashed Hope

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, The University of Tokyo The Middle East seems to be back to normal. No. The high speed of


Science diplomacy is the future

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 24 June 2020 If crises are highly mobile across geographical borders, then we could discuss crises


Turkey’s Ambitions: A Lesson Not To Be Lost

Marc Lavergne, Géopolitologue, Directeur de recherche au CNRS, Université de Tours. The recent visit of Tunisian President Kaîs Saied to Paris on the 22-23 of

Assessments & Reports

Is It Rivalry Or Cooperation? The Relations Between Turkey And Iran

MG (Ret). Sayed Ghoneim, Chairman, Institute for Global Security & Defense Affairs (IGSDA) 20 June 2020 The Nature of the Turkish-Iranian Rivalry: It is doubtless


Great Reset or Greater Divide?

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Two paths are diverging in front of us as the world stumbles to feet recovering


Fin de partie à Tripoli ? Quelles perspectives après la déconfiture du maréchal Haftar ?

Marc Lavergne, Géopolitologue, Directeur de recherche au CNRS, Université de Tours. Une nouvelle page de l’histoire tourmentée de la Libye semble s’ouvrir, avec la visite


Memento Mori, Memento Loci

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The world is aiming for a gradual return to a normal life from COVID-19 lockdowns.


Corona and the Social Responsibility

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 10 June 2020 The Emirati values of loyalty and positivity have always been fruitful at the


‘Contradiction of Powers’ Relations in Libya’

Complicated relations in Libya: Turkey is a regional competitor to Russia in several hotbeds, despite their strong needs for each other. It is true that


Conflict of Science and Politics

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Where have all the social distancing-things gone? The death of a black man George Floyd


Societal Balance in the Face of Crises

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 31 May 2020 In the global crises, the significance of the community emerges from its ability


Social Nesting, a Time for Introspection

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professer, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The state of emergency declaration has been lifted in all prefectures in Japan until May


The Gulf Compass after Corona

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 27 May 2020 By considering the theory of the British Geographer and Politician Halford John Mackinder,

Assessments & Reports

戦略論 「新しい安全保障ダイナミクスに入る中東の戦略的ライバリー」

サイード・ゴネイム エジプト軍退役少将 世界安全保障・国防問題研究所(IGSDA)会長 元のソース: はじめに 1991年のソ連の崩壊から2011年のいわゆるアラブの春の始まりまでの間、中東の地域パワーのダイナミクスは比較的安定していた。米国は単独かつ支配的な国際パワーだった。現在は、動乱、革命、内戦、米国の戦争疲れおよび戻ってきた主要パワー拮抗のコンビネーションが、劇的に中東の地政学を形作っている 米国とロシアは中東の地域的問題の解決を図ろうと努めている。他方で、中国は現時点では中東の地域問題に関して主要なプレーヤーではないものの、米国・イランの危機以降特に、中東における強いプレーヤーとして登場してきたように見える。そして、地域全体に濃い経済的外交的関係を構築して、将来、より大きな影響力を持とうと準備している。 欧州連合(EU)のこの地域での役割は相対的に下がってきた。EUの関心は、中東と北アフリカの一部における、不法移民、テロ、国境を越えた犯罪といった紛争のリスクの防止に移っていった。いくつかのEU諸国、特に英国とフランスは近い将来、より大きな役割を課すことを求めている。 また、このほか6つのプレーヤーが考慮されなければならない:2つの地域パワー、イランとトルコ、そして中東その他の地域問題解決策形成に強く寄与しようとする4つの国がある。この4つの中で、イスラエルは小さい国だが大きな国力を持ち、また米国のサポートを半永久的に受けている。そこで、イスラエルは地域パワーとも考えられている。それから、資源と財政力を基盤とする3つの豊かなアラビア国家、すなわち、ミドルパワーたるサウジアラビア王国、小国のアラブ首長国連合(UAE)、そして超小国のカタール。これらの国は地域パワーではないが、中東、アフリカその他の地域に大きな利害関係があるため、地域秩序を形成しようとしている。彼らのライバルは、いくつかの地域に広がっている。例えば、アフリカの角、北アフリカ、サヘルとサハラ、中央アジアそしてバルカンなど。 エジプトは、リビアとパレスチナに特別な役割を持っているほか、アフリカにいくつか役割がある。 以上全ては地域がさらに不安定になることを予見しているが、その理由は不均衡なパワーを使うアクターの間の複雑な対立の結果、影響力の管理が今欠如しているからである。 概観 新しい安全保障ダイナミクスに入る中東の戦略的ライバリー 東アジアへのインパクト 結語と将来展望 中東における対立 大国の対立 Ⅰ 米国(アメリカ・ファースト) トランプ戦略2017 4つの死活的国家利益(戦略的4本柱として構成された)がこのコミットメントの背骨を形成する。 米国本土、米国民、米国生活様式を守る 米国の繁栄を推進する 力により平和を守る 米国の影響力を高める


Japan’s Enigmatic Success in Suppressing the Contagion

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Measures taken in Japan to tackle with COVID-19 contagion were so unique and sometimes described


JIME Center, the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan Discussed “The Changing Security Environment in the Middle East and the Role of the U.S. – Japan Cooperation”

April 2020 JIME Center, the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan About JIME Center JIME Center was originally established in September 1974 as the Japanese


Race to the Exit

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo A new great game is looming. This time, the race is not about entering into


Globalization Minus

The world is desperately searching for a “new normal” in the coronavirus-stricken society. In May, restrictive measures on social and economic life are going to


After the Deluge, A Younger Generation Takes Over

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Countries are searching for the way back to normal, cautiously probing the possibility of reopening


The UAE and Combating River Blindness

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 29 April 2020 Global health issues are not new to our today’s world. There were a


From Plague to Fatigue

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The world is gradually transitioning from the stage of “shock and awe” against the plague


Second Wave of Tsunami

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Countries in the East Asia are bracing themselves for the second wave of outbreaks of


Food Security in Corona Time

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 15 April 2020 Food shortage has long been problem giving rise to unrests in the communities.


Wearing Mask: An Altruistic Behavior

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo COVID-19 is breaking down psychological barriers between the East and the West. The custom of wearing


The Impacts of the Spread of the New Coronavirus on the Competition of Major Powers in the Middle East

Coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared in the Chinese province of Wuhan in December 2019 and eventually spread globally until the World Health Organization WHO declared it a


Predicting the World After The COVID-19 Crisis Is Just A Wishful Thinking

By: Sayed Ghoneim, Major General (Retired) of the Egyptian Armed Forces I’m really surprised that some speak with full certainty about the world after the


Physical Distancing and Social Intimacy

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Globalization ground to a halt. The red carpet of the global mobility, which once enticed


COVID-19 and the Lacuna of the International Order

Jaber Mohamed Al Shuaibi, Emirati Researcher in Geopolitical Issues 31 March 2020 Corona (COVID-19) pandemic is sweeping the globe, which witnesses continuous spread of this


Bowing with Dignity: Greeting in the Time of Social Distancing

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo In the time of “social distancing,” number of novel customs are hesitantly introduced in the


Manners and Customs of Global Citizens in the Corona Age

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo No one knows when the coronavirus turmoil will end. The only thing we know is


Bodies Count

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Coronavirus have finally hit the shore of the Gulf and the Middle East. Countries in


Religion and Contagion

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Some characteristics of the new coronavirus COVID-19 have been revealed thanks to the frantic efforts


Frontline Countries Exposed to China Risks

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Along with the lure of the economic opportunities China poses to the world, “China Risks”


Southern Sudan Agreement :a new chance for peace ?

Pr Marc Lavergne, Head Researcher, National Center for Scientific Research, University of Tours France Last Saturday 22 nd February might prove an historical date for


Japan Winning the Battle of Definition, Losing the War of Public Relations

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The interesting tendency of Communist Party of China’s central government is to call the disease


Containment of China

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The biggest theme of the international politics in the first half of this century supposed


Chinese or Japanese? A Tale of Viral Fever

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo “Sini willa Yabani? (Chinese or Japanese ?)” This is a common phrase which has been


Kenya: former Pdt’s Daniel Arap Moi Obituary

Professor. Marc Lavergne is a Senior Fellow Researcher (Emeritus) on the Geopolitics and Geostrategy of the Contemporary Middle East and Horn of Africa at the


A Deal No Devils Can Take or Deliver On

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo At last, President Trump unveiled the “Deal of the Century” for the Israeli-Palestinian peace on


The East Mediterranean Game of Chess

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo In the Eastern Mediterranean region, the game of chess is being played by regional and


A Small, Good Thing: Abe’s GCC Tour

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo No news is good news. Prime Minister Abe has completed his Arab Gulf tour from


“Qader 2020/ Nation Defender” by Egypt and “Defender-Europe 2020” by NATO

Egypt is conducting its largest military maneuver “Qader 2020/ Nation Defender”. several unites from all Egyptian armed forces and main branches are involved in the

Assessments & Reports

US-Iran tensions ease as ‘neither side wants a war’

Experts say chances of an immediate conflict have reduced drastically, but the risk of future flare-ups is still high. The National Newspaper, January 9 ,


US-Iran Duel in Which No One Dears to Intervene

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security The year 2020 started with a duel between the US and Iran. The surprise drone attack by the


Ghosn in Beirut, or Yom Kippur Attack on Japanese People

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Carlos Ghosn, Ex-Nissan CEO, fled from Japan to Beirut, Lebanon on Dec. 30, 2019. This

Assessments & Reports

The Evolution of the Crisis in Libya and East Mediterranean Region

December 27th, 2019 INTRODUCTION Eight years have passed since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi and Libya is still in a state of disarray. On one


Rouhani in Tokyo, or Japan’s Strategic Innocence

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visited Japan from December 20 to 21. It was the first


Waterworks around the Nile

Pr. Marc Lavergne, Senior Fellow Researcher (Emeritus) on MENA & Horn of Africa at the French National Center for Scientific Research (French). Negotiations just started


A world under fire

Pr. Marc Lavergne, Senior Fellow Researcher (Emeritus) on MENA & Horn of Africa at the French National Center for Scientific Research (French). A few days


The Sahel, failed States or failed Aid ?

Pr. Marc Lavergne, Senior Fellow Researcher (Emeritus) on MENA & Horn of Africa at the French National Center for Scientific Research (French). The recent summoning


Japan Getting into the Middle East Hot Water

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security Japan’s ruling coalition parties approved a proposed plan for sending Japan’s Self Defense Forces (JSDF) vessels to the


“Counter Terrorism Strategy” Learning lessons: improving counter terrorism

Expectations of what can be achieved when lessons are sought on improving counter terrorism must be realistic, writes Dr Samantha Newbery, reader in International Security


Japan-Saudi Joint Vision

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo At the Group of 20 Foreign Ministers meeting which was held on Nov. 23, 2019


Nakamura: A Pacifist Extremist

A prominent Japanese physician and humanitarian aid worker Tetsu Nakamura killed in Jalalabad in Nangarhar province of eastern Afghanistan on December 5. He was gunned


Trying To Be More Objective – Video

During the Middle East Security Conference held in Beijing on November 27 and 28, 2019, the first session was about the importance of justice and


Looming Great Wall

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo. Throughout the year 2019, we have celebrated the 30th anniversary of the fall of the


More Humane Way of Security

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Dr. Sadako Ogata, Japan’s most famous United Nations administrator, scholar and diplomat passed away on


Japan’s Difficult Balancing-Act

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo President Trump’s abrupt order to abandon Syrian Kurds and the subsequent twists of decisions have


The 3rd Generation Islam and the Plight of Ulama

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo Each time radical extremism rises, critics in the West asks why the Ulama can’t refute


University of Tokyo: International Conference on the New Security Dynamics in the Middle East

Events International Conference on the New Security Dynamics in the Middle East Held period:2019/11/18(Mon) 10:00 – 17:00 Place:RCAST Building 3, M2F floor, Seminar room-1International Conference


From Chile to Iraq: Popular unrest and the demise of global geopolitics?

Away from the sheer geopolitics dealing with international strategic and diplomatic rifts, or attempting to solve internal grievances of oppressed groups, what raises the attention


The Islamic State’s Pendulum Swing

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo. President Trump declared victory in a televised speech on Sunday morning, October 27 announcing the


IGSDA Chairman visits the United States Central Command HQ in Tampa, Fl

ِAccording to the coordination between the United States Central Command Headquarters (Combined Strategic Analysis Group – CSAG) and (Institute for Global Security & Defense Affairs


Middle East Geo-Strategy Now

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo. Let’s summarize geopolitical and strategic situations in the Middle East. Russians Coming, Americans Leaving, Kurds

Assessments & Reports

“Strategic Rivalries in the Middle East: Risks and Opportunities in New Security Dynamics”

By: Sayed Ghoneim; Chairman, Institute for Global Security & Defense Affairs (IGSDA) Ghoneim’s strategic paper of his lecture given in the U.S. Central Command HQ


2# “Rivalries between The US, China and Russia in Latin America in new security & economic dynamics”

Second lecture (complete) presented by Gen. Sayed Ghoneim in the Defense University of Honduras on Wednesday, 10th of October 2019.


1# “Rivalries between The US, China and Russia in Latin America in new security & economic dynamics”

First lecture (complete) presented by Gen. Sayed Ghoneim in the Defense University of Honduras on Tuesday, 09th of October 2019.


Sudán: 30 años de poder militar-islamista

Los sudaneses reivindican la vuelta a un gobierno civil y democrático. La duda es si, dentro de la diversidad social, existe una voluntad y una


President Trump’s Inevitable Decision

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo President Trump’s decision to withdraw from northeastern Syria was confusing in its implementation and presentation.


House of Kurds

Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo. The Kurds have been haunted by famous sayings “Kurds have No Friends but the Mountains”.


Chess is from Iran, Poker is from Trump

Satoshi Ikeuchi Professor, Religion and Global Security, University of Tokyo The September 14 attack on Saudi oil processing facilities revealed the vulnerability of oil producing

Events Media

“US, Russia and China Rivalries in Latin America”, IGSDA Lecture in Honduras Defense University

Since declaring its independence, the US had been concentrating on its neighboring continent Latin America, paying the efforts to guarantee a southern strategic depth. The


The War of Attribution

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. The Middle East has been a trade show ground for the advanced weapons

Events Media

Chairman, IGSDA presents his views on the Middle East in Brussels

Upon invitations from the Royal Military Academy in Brussels and the European Union Military Staff Headquarters, Major General (Retired). Sayed Ghoneim, (Chairman, IGSDA) gave a


Iran Plans for what’s More Important

The bombardment of Saudi Aramco oil facilities (Abqaiq and Khurais Labs) on Sunday, 15 September 2019 has led to reduce the Saudi oil production to


Decisive Attacks and Decisive Votes

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. The attacks by drones and cruise missiles on ARAMCO’s oil processing facilities in


Closing of the Mind of the War on Terror

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. President Trump fired his hawkish national security adviser John Bolton, for their fundamental


Expert Roundtable with Chancellor Sayed Ghoneim of the Institute for Global Security and Defense Affairs (IGSDA)

IFANS/ KNDA, Seoul wrote: On August 27, 2019, Chancellor Sayed GHONEIM of the Institute for Global Security and Defense Affairs (IGSDA) visited the Institute of


Asan Roundtable with Sayed Ghoneim, Institute for Global Security & Defense Affairs (IGSDA)

Asan Institute for Policy Studies, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Asan Institute wrote: On August 28, 2019, the Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted a closed


IGSDA participated in the Third International Conference on Military Education and Regional Security in Taiwan

For the third year in a row Institute for Global security & Defense Affairs (IGSDA) Chairman and members have participated in the annual International Conference


Autumn of Dialogue

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. Will the hot summer under the spell of war be over and an


Southern Yemen

The Gulf region has witnessed a number of important developments in the recent period. Some of these developments are directly related to the Iran-US crisis,


Competing Visions for the Indo-Pacific Future

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. TICAD 7, The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), was held in


End of the Election Season in Turkey

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. Election is an integral part of democracy. If the public cannot demand accountability


Another Important Election

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo.  It is not only the re-run of Israeli general elections in September or


Japan’s Two Traumas for the Coalition in the Gulf

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. The United States is urging allied nations to share the burden of securing


Coalition of the Reluctant

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. Bahrain hosted a conference for maritime security in the Gulf on July 31.


Waves of Displacement in Egypt

Impacts of the internal and external displacement waves on the Egyptian Cities Yehya M.Serag [1] Yehya M. Serag is an associate professor of urban and


Vox Dei, Vox Populi

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. Since President Trump has put off attacks on Iran on June 20, two


Energy Security of Supply and Security of Demand

By: Professor. Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. Countries on the Northern and Southern shores of the Gulf were on the


Nouveau Grand jeu en mer Rouge (II)

Dr.  Marc Lavergne, Directeur de recherche CNRS, Moyen-Orient/Corne de l’Afrique, EMAM/Laboratoire CITERES, Université de Tours/France. “La mer Rouge peut-elle s’embraser,?”  Diplomatie, juillet 2018 5 .


Le Monde

Dr.  Marc Lavergne, Directeur de recherche CNRS, Moyen-Orient/Corne de l’Afrique, EMAM/Laboratoire CITERES, Université de Tours/France. Le déplacement d’Emmanuel Macron en Afrique orientale peut paraître incongru,


Morsi’s death, and the failure of the democratic experiment in Egypt

By: Professor. Marc Lavergne, a French Senior Fellow Researcher (Emeritus) on the Geopolitics and Geostrategy of the Contemporary Middle East and Horn of Africa at


Violent and Nonviolent Changes in the Images of Cities in the Arab Spring Countries

By: Prof. Yehya Serag (PhD), Professor of Urban & Regional Planning, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Yehya Serag1 Future University in Egypt, Architectural Engineering Department,


Japan and the Security of SLOCs in the Middle East

By: Professor. Satoshi IkeuchiProfessor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine General Joseph Dunford said


Is It the Time For Egypt’s Fourth Strategic Direction?

The Pillars of Egypt’s Strength This is not my first time to write or talk about this topic due to its importance from my own


US Military Strike Against Iran, Is It Really possible?

Will the United States carry out a military strike against Iran? What are the political and military indicators at the strategic and tactical levels that

Assessments & Reports

Saini, Monitoring Reality

Political and security phases Sinai has undergone  the Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel that has been concluded in Camp David in the United States


The Age of Lexus

By: Professor. Satoshi IkeuchiProfessor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. “Twitter diplomacy,” “Instagram diplomacy” or “Selfie diplomacy”? No matter what you call it, diplomacy


Using Intelligence and Technology to Fight Human Trafficking & Migrant Smuggling

Threat Assessment & Recommendations By: Mohamed N. El Guindy, UNODC – ROMENA 15 August 2017 Dr. Mohamed El-Guindy is a Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Expert, UNODC,


Trump’s Many Withdrawals

By: Professor. Satoshi IkeuchiProfessor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. U.S. President Donald Trump did not bomb Iran but are now throwing bombshells of


US Continue working To Unite Ally’s Efforts

Khaleej Times has announced that the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived Monday in Saudi Arabia for talks on coordinating with the close ally


A Different Kind of Diplomacy

By: Professor. Satoshi IkeuchiProfessor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to Tehran last week was aimed at alleviating tensions


Deceive your friends before deceiving your enemy

By: Professor. Satoshi IkeuchiProfessor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo Wisdom bequeathed by the ancient Chinese military philosopher “Sun Tzu(سون تزو)” is a common


Is It Another Attempt To Escalate The US-Iranian Crisis?

Several international news agencies declared few hours ago that two civilian oil tankers were hit in a suspected attack in the Gulf of Oman early


What Abe Should Bring Back from Tehran

By: Professor. Satoshi IkeuchiProfessor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo Prime Minister Abe plans to visit Iran, maybe anywhere from 12-14 of June. We


What Japanese People Want to Know in Prime Minister Abe’s Visit to Tehran

By: Professor. Satoshi IkeuchiProfessor, Global Security and Religion, University of Tokyo Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is planning to visit Iran in the middle of

Articles Assessments & Reports

US-Saudi Relation Is Farther Than Arms Deals

30th of May 2019 Several analysts in the Middle East believe that the US sees Saudi Arabia as just a “money source”, and that the

Articles Assessments & Reports

US To Deploy Extra Troops In The Gulf – No Ground Attack

US President Donald Trump agreed to the request of the commander of the US Central Command (US CENTCOM) to deploy 1500 additional troops in the


All Fingers Are On The Triggers And No One Wants War!

19th of May 2019 Background In September 2008 Israel asked US for green light to bomb nuclear sites in Iran. The US president told Israeli prime minister he

Assessments & Reports

Three Possibilities Behind a Sabotage Operation Against Four Commercial Ships in the Southern Part of the Arabian Gulf

On Sunday, 12th of May 2019, the UAE Foreign Ministry said four commercial ships (two Saudi oil tankers, one Emiriti oil tanker and one Norwegian

Assessments & Reports

Why the US Central Command Deployed Strategic Bombers (B-52) to the Middle East?

11th of May 2019 Four B-52H Stratofortress bombers took off from the Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana to land at the US military base

Assessments & Reports

Will the US Adopt the Least Likely and Most Dangerous Scenario?

10th of May 2019 On September 15, former Israeli defense minister and military chief of staff Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon addressed a Policy Forum at The

Events Media News

RCAST Discussing Global Security Issues, U-Tokyo

On Friday, 19th of April 2019 The University of Tokyo held a workshop entitled “Religion and Global Security in the Changing International Order”. Pr. Satoshi

Articles Assessments & Reports

Yemen Crisis and Four Years of War

Political and Security Development in Yemen On 15th of January 2015, the Houthis raided the house of President Abed Rabbo Hadi Mansour, surrounded the presidential

Articles Assessments & Reports

Rivalry in Syria after the US Withdrawal

The decision to withdraw the US forces from Syria created a new situation for a country suffering from civil war for eight years. The decision

Events News

RCAST Security Workshop on “Religion and Global Security in the Changing International Order”

Place:University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology RCAST Building 3, M2F floor, Seminar room-1 Held period:2019/4/19(Fri) 10:30 – 17:30 Workshop agenda


Are Arab alliances back?

On February 16, 1989, eight years after the founding of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), a new Arab alliance was established with almost a similar


Israel’s Future Planning In The Middle East

By: Sayed Ghoneim, Major General (Retired) of the Egyptian Armed Forces Forces.For decades, the US has treated the achievement of security for a Jewish homeland


Education as Soft Power~Part I

In an era defined by globalization, international cooperation, and cross-cultural communication, intercultural dialogue has emerged as an essential concept in disciplines such as philosophy, sociology,


Al- Ǫassam Brigades: Trends, Patterns, and Tendencies

This analysis explores the long-standing trends and strategies of Hamas military wing (the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades), highlighting its sustained efforts in weaponry and tactics,

Articles Events Media

Modern Methods of Geopolitical Analysis

Professor, MG(ret) Sayed Ghoneim PhD in Political Sciences Chairman, Institute for Global Security and Defense Affairs (IGSDA) Lecture video Points of discussion: 1. Methods, techniques


Forecasting in an Uncertain World: The Tipping Point and the Volatile Dynamics in an Unstable Region

  Mounting Tension: Similar to a pressure system reaching capacity, the scenario involves escalating stress or conflict that accumulates over time within a specific geopolitical


Forecasting in an Uncertain World:Navigating the Grand Strategy Chessboard

Navigating the Grand Strategy Chessboard: Orchestrating Influence and Stability Scenario To deal with the future we have to deal with possibilities. Analysis will only tell


Forecasting in an Uncertain World: Middle East Trends and Horizons

Understanding the Complexities of Future Projections As one endeavors to forecast farther into the future, the effectiveness of forecasting techniques diminishes. Forecasting entails estimating future


Artificial Intelligence: A Dual-Edged Sword for Democracy and the Digital Information Landscape

The relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and democracy presents a complex array of both opportunities and risks. AI impacts democratic systems in several ways, including


Extremist Content Online: Al Qaeda OSJ

As the year 2023 drew to a close, Al Qaeda sought to make a profound statement. To mark the end of the year with an


2023’s Top Issues: A Year in Review

As 2023 draws to a close, a compilation of pressing issues emerges, collectively underscoring the overarching theme of addressing global challenges in a world that


Securing Global Trade Routes: The Role of Operation Prosperity Guardian and International Responses in the Red Sea

In a world increasingly interconnected through global trade and commerce, the stability and security of maritime commercial connectivity infrastructure stand as pillars of the global